Snakemake + SLURM

Get Snakemake to submit jobs via SLURM

Snakemake (version 8+) has a fantastic feature of submitting jobs to SLURM (or other schedulers) on your behalf. This feature existed in pervious versions too, but v8 is a complete rewrite of how it works and it’s much, much simpler than before. This document will walk you through the things you’ll need to know to get a Snakemake workflow to automate all of the logistics for working on the BioHPC

1. Make sure it’s snakemake v8

Snakemake 8 has a much easier cluster submission system, so it’ll need to be updated to major version 8, which also requires python version 3.12 to be manually specified

mamba update -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake=8 python=3.12

if you need to install Snakemake

If you don’t have Snakemake installed, replace mamba update with mamba install

mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake=8 python=3.12

if you aren’t in a conda environment

If you aren’t in any conda environment whatsoever, replace mamba update with mamba create -n SOMENAME where SOMENAME is the name you want to give your environment. Once created, activate the environment with mamba activate SOMENAME.

mamba create -n snakemake -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake=8
mamba activate snakemake

install the plugins

Then, add the SLURM executor plugin and filesystem plugin

mamba install -c bioconda -c conda-forge snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm snakemake-storage-plugin-fs

2. Setting up a SLURM profile config

To use the Snakemake SLURM stuff, you’ll need a config file, in YAML format, often called a “profile”. This file will specify all the necessities of the cluster configuration so that Snakemake can submit jobs on your behalf as governed by the workflow. Create a folder called profiles

mkdir profiles

Within this folder, create a file named config.yaml that looks like this:

__use_yte__: true
executor: slurm
  slurm_account: nt246_0001
  slurm_partition: regular
  mem_mb: attempt * 1500
  runtime: 10
jobs: 30
latency-wait: 60
retries: 1
default-storage-provider: fs
local-storage-prefix: /home2/pd348
  - persistence
  - software-deployment
  - sources
  - source-cache

The lines, explained:

the basic configuration

  • __use_yte__: true lets Snakemake know to use an enhanced YAML interpreting engine– don’t think too much about it

  • executor: slurm this tells Snakemake to use that slurm exector plugin you installed earlier, which is configured to work for SLURM schedulers

  • default-resources is a catch-all group that lets you put in scheduler-specific parameters that don’t appear in Snakemake’s command line options

    • slurm_account is the user account that will interact with the SLURM scheduler, which in most cases should be nt246_0001

    • slurm_partition is the name of the BioHPC partition your are requesting, such as regular or long7. The partition list can be found here.

    • mem_mb the maximum number of megabytes of memory to request for a given job if not specified in the resources directive within a rule

    • jobs is the maximum number of jobs Snakemake is allowed to submit to SLURM at a given time

    • runtime is the time (in minutes) requested for the jobs if not specified in the resources directive within a rule

  • latency-wait is the time, in seconds, Snakemake should wait after a job has finished to check if the expected outputs are present

  • retries is the number of times Snakemake can try to resubmit a failed job. Works best when the Snakemake is setup to change things on retries, like increasing RAM per retry (e.g. attempt * 1000), requesting more time from the scheduler, etc.

automatic file I/O

This part can be omitted if you don’t need snakemake to move files in or out of home2 (or another directory) between job submissions

  • default-storage-provider is the type of filesystem to use, where fs is a locally mounted filesystem where things are moved (by Snakemake) using rsync. Other options can be explored here.

  • local-storage-prefix is a convenient setting to have Snakemake copy inputs to a SCRATCH-type directory, run the job there, then copy the expected outputs back to the project directory upon completion of the job. For the BioHPC, this can be seen as the automated way to move stuff into and out of home2/USER without having to think about it all that much.

  • shared-fs-usage is a list of permissions/specifications for how Snakemake can interact with the filesystem. The options shown in the example above (persistence, software-deployment, sources, and sources-cache ) are necessary for Snakemake automating input/output of the home2 (or other) directory. Unfortunately, the Snakemake documentation on these parameters are lacking, so there isn’t more to say about it until that information becomes publicly available.

3. Prepare the working directory

At this point, you should have a profiles/config.yaml in your working directory. Keep in mind that the folder can be named anything, not specifically profiles, but the config file has to be named config.yaml.

4. Run the workflow

How you will invoke Snakemake is specific to your workflow, but a typical invocation of Snakemake could look like this:

snakemake --cores 15 --sdm conda \
    --workflow-profile profiles \
    --configfile config/config.yaml \
    --snakefile workflow.smk
  • --cores is the number of cores/threads you’re allowing the scheduler to use.

  • --workflow-profile is the relative path to the directory with the SLURM configuration you made above, which in this case should just be the folder name profiles.

  • --snakefile is the path to the workflow snakefile

  • --sdm [optional] is a shortcut for --software-deployment-method, which in this case is telling Snakemake to use the conda configurations written into your workflow to manage runtime software dependencies. Defaults to using mamba. This could also be omitted if there are no conda directives inside any rules, or --sdm apptainer if the container directive is featured inside any rules.