Job Arrays

Job arrays

  • If you want to run an identical program 10 times, instead of using afor-loop, you can submit the script as a job array of length 10.This is controlled by the header: #SBATCH --array=1-10
  • Each array job will get its own unique ID, SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID,that you can make use of in your script.
  • If you want each job in a 1-10 array to run something different, youcan create a text file with 10 lines and have each line specify thecommand you want to run.- Make sure to copy this text file over to the temporary working directory!- In the shell script, write:
# go to the <SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID> line of the job_parameters.txt file
# and run this command
# for example, this line could read `python 4`
prog=`sed -n "${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p" job_parameters.txt`
$prog > output${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.out
  • If this is the 3rd job in the job array, then the command on the 3rdline of job_parameters.txt will be run
  • Remember to copy the output back to your home directory beforedeleting the temporary working directory!


Here is an example running SLiM jobs on the cluster

  • SLiM file: merged_same_site_spatial.slim
  • Python driver:
  • This runs each SLiM simulation -nreps times, parses the output, and writes the desired results to a csv file that will be copied back to my home directory.
  • Text file with commands: slim_job_params.txt
  • Shell script that I’ll submit to SLURM:
  • This is an array of length 7
  • I use the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environmental variable to grab a specific line of my param txt file. Each line will tells Python to modify my SLiM file to simulate a specific promoter.
    • For example, the 2nd array job will run python -d zpgX -nreps 2 -header, which simulates a zpgX promoter 2 times and creates a csv file with 2 lines (slim_result_2.csv)
#! /usr/bin/env bash
## #SBATCH --ntasks=1
## #SBATCH --mem=1000
## #SBATCH --partition=regular
## #SBATCH --job-name=slim_job
## #SBATCH --output=slim_job.out
## #SBATCH --array=1-7

# Run 7 different SLiM jobs in parallel
# The parameters for each array job are set by the text file
# Create and move to working directory for job
mkdir -p $WORKDIR

# Copy files over to working directory
BASE_DIR=/home/ikk23## cp $BASE_DIR/example/slim_files/merged_same_site_spatial.slim .
cp $BASE_DIR/example/slim_files/ .
cp $BASE_DIR/example/slim_files/ .
cp $BASE_DIR/example/slim_files/slim_job_params.txt .

# Include SLiM in the path
export PATH

# Run program and copy results back to my directory
prog=`sed -n "${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}p" slim_job_params.txt`
$prog > slim_result_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.csv
cp slim_result_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.csv $BASE_DIR/example/results/

# Clean up working directory
rm -r $WORKDIR