Cluster Structure

Login nodes

  • There are three login nodes: cbsulogin, cbsulogin2, andcbsulogin3.
  • They are used for submitting jobs or requesting interactivesessions.
  • Use ssh to connect to login nodes (Cornell VPN is not necessary).- They all have the domain name E.g. ssh
  • Don’t use them for computation.

Computing nodes

General Info

  • Currently, there are a total of 18 computing nodes, which are namedcbsubscb01-cbsubscb17, and cbsubscbgpu01.
  • Their specs range from 32-64 in physical cores, and 256-1003GB inRAM.
  • You can access these computing nodes from the login node, bysubmitting a job using sbatch OR by requesting an interactivesession using salloc
  • Each node can also be accessed directly though ssh
  • You can’t run computationally intensive jobs in these sessions.- This is only for tasks such as job submission, interactive session request, file lookup, and monitoring.
  • Unlike the login nodes, accessing the computing nodes directly willrequire Cornell network connect (i.e. VPN if you are off campus).

Local storage

  • Each computing node has a local permanent storage and each isassigned to a different lab group.
  • The computing node assigned to the Therkildsen lab for permanentstorage is cbsubscb16.
  • The local storage of each node is located at the directory/local/storage.
  • The local storage of each node can be mounted to any other nodeusing the command/programs/bin/labutils/mount_server node_name /storage.- e.g. /programs/bin/labutils/mount_server cbsubscb16 /storage
  • The mounted storage then becomes available under the directory/fs/node_name/storage/
  • This mounting step is usually one of the first things we do in a jobscript so that your input files can be accessed from any of thecomputing nodes.

Scratch storage

  • Each computing node has a scratch storage, ranging from 1-2TB incapacity.
  • They are located under /workdir/ (and /SSD/ on some nodes).
  • It is recommended to copy your input files from network mountedstorage space to this scratch storage for computing, espcially forI/O heavy jobs.
  • The scratch storage is shared by all users, so after you finish yourjob, make sure to copy your output files to your permanent storagespace, and clear the scrach storage space.
  • Any files that were not removed by users will be removedautomatically when the node receives a new job.
  • Users who have jobs running on the nodes will not have theirassociated files removed from the scratch space.

Storage servers

  • There are three storage servers, which together have a capcity of281TB.
  • They should not be accessed directly.
  • Instead, they are network mounted in all BSCB machines under/bscb/, in which each lab group has a subfolder.
  • They are not mounted to the nt246 server yet.

Home directory

  • You will always have the same home directory. It is mounted on all CBSU servers.
  • It has limited storage space and should not be used for computing orstorage.

Cluster partitions

PartitionJob Time LimitNodesSlots
short4 hourscbsubscb[01-15], cbsubscbgpu011392
regular24 hourscbsubscb[01-15], cbsubscbgpu01435
long77 dayscbsubscb[01-15]437
long3030 dayscbsubscb[01-15]500 (limit 270 per user)
gpu3 dayscbsubscbgpu0132 + 2 GPUs
  • Any jobs submitted from the login node will get to a queue.
  • The cluster has five different queues (or partitions), and each hasa different time limit (see the table above).
  • The partition to which a job is submitted can be specified by the--partition or -p option, with default being the shortpartition.
  • Note that there are a total of 1392 slots (i.e. number of tasks thatcan be requested). So all slots are available for jobs submitted tothe short partition, and only a subset of them are available forother partitions.
  • Please use the following table to determine which partition(s) tosubmit your jobs to:
Intended job durationPartition specificationSlots available
up to 4 hours--partition=short1392
4 - 24 hours--partition=regular,long7,long301372
24 hours - 7 days--partition=long7,long30937
7 days - 30 days--partition=long30500
GPU, up to 36 hours--partiton=gpu --gres=gpu:tP100:132